Course Descriptions
ELT 102 - Electric Circuit Analysis II
5 Credits
Continuation of ELT 101 into AC circuit analysis using complex numbers and phasors. Topics include: magnetism, inductance, reactance, impedance, power, resonance, filters, Fourier series, transformers and dependent sources. Includes network analysis using Thevenin, Norton, mesh, and nodal techniques. Computer analysis of AC circuits is introduced. Concurrent lab applies theory and develops competence in measuring voltage, current, time, frequency, phase, and frequency response, using the dual-trace oscilloscope, multimeters, and swept frequency function generator. Construction project is a power supply which is used to introduce rectifiers, filters, regulation and ripple. A specific programmable scientific calculator is required. Contact Department for details.
Prerequisites: ELT 101 or ELT 121 required; MTH 135,MTH 140, MTH 152 or MTH 164 or some trigonometry background recommended.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze an AC sinusoidal driven simple series, parallel or series parallel RL, RC or RLC circuit determining impedance, current ,voltage power, VA and VARS.
2. Determine AC signal characteristics( wave-shape, amplitude, frequency, period, DC content and relative phase angle given a signal picture, signal equation or word representation
3. Determine instantaneous voltages & currents, times and time constant values in a DC driven RL circuit.
4. Construct a power supply given schematic and component parts and perform a power supply specification test given spec sheet & necessary test equipment.
5. Write a laboratory report documenting power supply construction, operation and test results given step by step construction instructions and test procedure.
6. Analyze single pole RC filter determining cut off frequency, voltage output or decibel output.
7. Analyze RLC circuit to determine resonant frequencies(fr), circuit Quality Factor (Q), Bandwidth (BW) , cutoff frequencies and output voltages or current.
8. Perform a Transient analysis, AC sweep analysis and Fourier analysis using a computer circuit analysis program and use data to confirm measured circuit results.
9. Measure AC signal characteristics( wave-shape, amplitude, frequency, period, DC content and relative phase angle , cutoff frequencies and resonant frequency given a RC, RL or RLC circuit, an oscilloscope and signal generator.
Course Offered Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025